Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday, it is what it is

Ha ha. I am full of it today. I don't know why because I stayed up way too late last night and overslept this morning. I woke up to Steph saying "MOM! wake up!" But I still got to work in plenty of time. Even had time to grab a bite to eat and pay a bill. I told So I am wonderwoman.

If you are glad we have a holiday coming up soon raise your hand. I had honestly forgotten about it until I was reminded earlier in an email. How fun. That is kind of like finding a $20 in your wallet that you forgot about. I try to hide money from myself but my memory won't let me forget it. **sigh**

I left my Sunday post up on purpose because that Charlie is just so danged precious I wanted everyone to see him. I wish I had taken more pictures of him but he was wounded and just recovering from surgery so we'll give him a pass this time.

I'm gonna get to work, since I actually have some work to do today. That is a good thing.

Have a great day everyone and smile smile smile.


Unknown said...

Charlie made me smile, smile, smile -- have a wonderful day!

Bill said...

You just reminded me of the upcoming holiday, so thanks for that.
PLUS, I just found a $20 bill in a bag I took with me when I went boating over the weekend!

Scott W said...

I drew a $20 bill today.

Don't you just love the days when nothing goes wrong, or if it does it doesn't matter?

Trailboss said...

I looked at a $20 bill today but I knew it was there. As usual. But I was happy to have it!

Syd said...

I'm glad!!! But mine doesn't occur until the first Monday in Sept.