Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to work

I am much better. Finally got my BP under control so I ventured back to work today. My pocketbook insisted that I do. I have run out of sick days and just the thought of not making any money freaks me out! Plus, in my own way I was ready to come back. I didn't say I was ready for that darned alarm clock, but alas, it is necessary in order to get my butt out of bed.

It's always fun to be gone from work for a while and then try to make heads or tails of what has and hasn't been done. But it is what it is. It will all work out.

Stephanie has an appt with her OB/GYN today at 3pm. I have an appt with my new kidney doctor tomorrow morning. Dr's appts all over the place! But I am determined to take care of myself. After all, no one else will do it.

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