Friday, August 24, 2012

Missing him though.

Stephanie and her family took a road trip last week. I have really enjoyed the 'me' time but I sure do miss my grandson. Thank goodness they are on their way home!

As usual work is busy busy. I don't mind though. I'd rather be busy than looking for something to do. Today was a doozy! Thank goodness I have figured out a way to do some of the computer work faster. In fact my customer's main guy wants to get with me next week because everyone at the tire plant is struggling to get it all done. It feels good to still have it in me to do my job well.
My girls are doing great. Sophie is on some new meds to help with her arthritis and it seems to be working. I am so thankful for that! Life for me just gets better and better every day!

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Good to hear things are looking up and up for you Chick.