is where I worked for over 3 years. I worked hard, studied a lot and did get licensed in all four lines of insurance for the State of Kentucky. It was all for nothing though. You see I worked with a woman (I use that term loosely) who was, well just a big fat bitch! She is a control freak and apparently thought she could control all aspects of my work. She and I clashed many times but the funny thing is that the agent (our boss) liked me. He and I got along swell.
The good thing about working there however was that was where I met my beloved Mary. She was let go from there on the day she was killed in an automobile accident. The agent and I had some words the next day but I think it was because he felt a bit guilty. I still have all of my personal insurance with that company but have moved it to another agent in town.
I don't understand why a person can be as mean as that woman was. She ran off just about every person that Phil hired, including Mary. She was about to quit anyway when she was let go. This person went so far as to put up instructions in the bathroom on how to spray, keep the fan on and how long to keep the door shut and when to open it when someone had to do #2 at work. The day that Phil saw that sign he laughed out loud at her and naturally I joined in. It gave me great pleasure to laugh directly AT her.
I'm not really sure why I even bothered to post about this, apparently the previous post with the bathroom signs must have sparked some memory of the horrid 3 years spend at this place. Damn am I ever glad I am out of the insurance world.
People like that drive me insane. And they are always at the work place. Why can't they just stay home and boss some cats around or something!!!
but then we would say poor cats!
I think it is time you visited her. Can you say C U Next Thursday? (Note what that would spell if using only the initials)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like your pictures. Thats cool you have a Morgan. I learned to rideon a Morgan. Say, you seem to have an easy time double spacing between your pictures. I have not always mastered that one. Any advice?! ;)
Hey! I was searching blogs and came across this one. I know where this place is. I used to live in this town and had insurance there. Is Phil still there? He had 2 people working for him when I was there. A blonde lady with a young son & a brunette lady with twin girls. They all took great care of us and were so nice. I am so sorry you had a bad experience.
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