Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Water is a'risin

I am from a river city. Broadway which goes through our downtown area literally ends at the Ohio River. We have had more than our fair share of rain this spring and the predictions for the next week or so is that a lot more is going to fall.

My office/warehouse is literally 10' from the floodwall. The City of Paducah and Corps of Engineers have installed the flood gates for the first time in many years. My co-worker and I were taking pictures of the rising Ohio last week with our cellphones when a man from the Corps of Engineers came driving up. Soon after that the flood gates we in and secured. Thankfully the river is supposed to crest next week at 2' lower than originally anticipated. Every little bit helps now.

There are many people from a surrounding county whose homes are already flooded. Sandbagging efforts continue and many people are using them to attempt to protect their homes. It is a very trying time for folks in West Kentucky. I am thankful that my house is far away from any of the flooding danger. I do however feel for the families that are having to deal with all of this.


Dan and Betty said...

I wish you could send some of that rain our way. It's been nice and sunny but dry here in New Mexico.

Best wishes for no problems.


PS: My wife's cousin and his wife live in Paducah. She's the senior pastor at the Episcopal Church (Libby Wade).

Syd said...

Glad that you are safe.

Scott W said...

Stay safe! Would be so weird to be in your building with all that water so close. Kindly creepy n'all.