Friday, January 21, 2011

No News is Good News!

Stephanie was able to catch the 6:30pm bus out of St. Louis last night. It arrived in Springfield sometime around 11pm. Her cousin was to pick her up at the bus station and take her precious self to her aunt's house where, I am sure she promptly passed out.

We have not heard anything from her after we were assured by her aunt that she WAS on the bus and that her cousin WAS picking her up at the station. Joe and I figure that no news is good news. Considering that the entire family was texting and calling all day yesterday, the fact that we have not heard anything equals STEPHANIE GOT TO HER DESTINATION JUST FINE!

I imagine we will hear later on today or this evening from her and hear all of the details. Until then we are fine with waiting patiently. I am at home today due to a good amount of snow we received yesterday and last night. The main roads are cleared but the 6 miles from my house to the main road have not been treated at all and this Trailboss isn't going to take the chance on hilly and curvy country roads.

I can't help but feel bad for my coworker however. He did make the 45 mile drive from his house to work but he lives right along the main roads. He is by himself today unloading and reloading trucks, attempting to do the paperwork correctly, etc. But with that said, I made the decision last night that my life was worth more than the risk. I rarely miss work and feel silly to feel the need to justify me not being there. I have a very strong work ethic of which I am grateful for, but today is my day. I was so tired last night (Joe and I both were) both mentally and physically that we both needed a good night's sleep and we both did get that. I feel like a new woman today.

It is a beautiful winter wonderland outside my front door today. I am getting ready to bundle up and see about Jones. I'm sure she could use a good dose of fresh water and good ole grain right about now. I might just take my camera along for some purty pictures.


Dan and Betty said...

I'm sure she's fine. You were smart not to risk getting out in that kind of mess.


Scott W said...

If it would just stay cold here I could get used to it. This up and down temperature thing is crazy making.

Syd said...

Sounds like you are taking care of yourself which is good. Glad that Steph made it.